Aspiring Data Scientist with experience in Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Predictive modeling, Big Data Mining, Recommender Systems, and Computer Vision.
Graduate Reasearch Assistant at DePaul Univeristy working on a project in collaboration with Northwestern Memorial Hospital, to develop a classification model that is intelligent to prognosticate Age-Related Macular Degeneration disease, a leading cause of irreversible vision loss in elders, using image processing and deep learning.
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Programming Languages: Python, PL/SQL, R, C, C++, Java
Tools: Jupyter, Pycharm, Visual Studio Code
Technologies: TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, NLTK
Big Data Mining: Hadoop, SQL, Hive, Spark
Visualization: Tableau, Matplotlib, ggplot, seaborn
Cloud: AWS, Google Cloud
Correlation Plot ordered by AOE (Angular Order of the Eigenvectors) Princpal Factor Analysis Princpal Component Analysis
Thermal vs kWh Usage over the Year 2010 in Chicago
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